I've missed you all so much!!! Blogging during the summer months is always a challenge, and this Summer was no different. After returning from Lake George in early July (which was around the time of my last post) we had a small family emergency (everything is fine now, Thank God), I taught a week-long Summer Shakespeare Camp for The Syracuse Shakespeare Festival, was in rehearsals and performance for The Two Gentleman of Verona, auditioned for, was cast in, and began rehearsals for Othello, was spending pretty much every weekend I could at The Sterling Renaissance Festival, started a new full-time job, and was otherwise out and about enjoying the gorgeous summer in every way I could while it lasts :) However, the most notable event of the Summer occurred on July 24th, when a new page was turned and the seeds were planted for our next great adventure :)
I created a website for the Proposal photos via Shutterfly, feel free to peruse and enjoy them here :)
Michael proposed to me in the glen behind the Glass-Blowing booth at Sterling, in the same area where we had our first kiss and where we first said "I Love You". The weather was perfect, our Minstrel friends Merlyn and Harry (aka Merry Mischief) were there and played several songs for us (thank you so much!) Our parents, his brother and sister-in-law and their infant daughter (our niece!), and several of our friends from both the 'Shire and the outside world were there to witness it, and it was absolutely perfect :) It was wonderful to share that moment with some of our loved ones and yet the intimacy of the monet was not lost :) I must admit, I had suspected that Michael would propose to me at Sterling, but the exact when and where were a mystery. Of course, in the moment I was so overwhelmed and happy that even if I had known about it all along, it would have all been wiped away and I would still have been surprised :) I found out later that virtually everyone at Sterling and most of our family and friends were in on the surprise, some had known for months beforehand, and I'm astounded and touched that that many people were to keep the secret for that long :)
The outpouring of love that Michael and I have received these last few weeks has been beyond words. We love you all so very much and we thank you a million times over for everything!!! I am the happeist and the luckiest girl in the wide world and we cannot wait to be married!!!
Sterling has ended (*sniff!*) Two Gents has closed and Summer is winding down. And while I am never happy to see Summer go, I eagerly greet the transition into Autumn, which has palates and joys all it's own :) I'm so happy to be blogging again! As a matter of fact, I'm starting another 30 Day Blogging Challenge, at the suggestion of my wonderful friend, Nubby :) In her words, it's "an exercise in time management and appreciating the little things", and reinforcing the fact that even if I have a crappy day (had several of those, lately, but I'm learning to rise above), I am in charge of whether or not the day is a total loss, I can make a bad day better, and I CAN appreciate the little things in life, because, in the end, they matter the most:) If you're a blogger type person and you want to join in, by all means, join us :)
Simple Pleasures of Today:
-After weeks of being insanely busy, and countless infuriating technological roadblocks, I was finally able to post our Proposal photos and get back to my blog :)
- I had Cinnamon Raisin Toast from the Oswego Tea Company for lunch today :)
- I got a good news e-mail that I had been waiting for
- I have rehearsal tonight for Othello :)
- There is a full-size refrigerator in the break room where I work, which means I can keep healthy breakfast food and healthy snacks here :)
I'm so glad to be back, see you tomorrow :)
I love this idea....and I'm game to keep up a positive attitude :) Count me in :)