Monday, April 30, 2012

Sneaking In Under The Wire: *S-Z*

Yes, I am massively lamesauce for falling behind on the last 8 letters of the A-Z Challenge (usual story, illness, massively busy, family commitments, blah blah blah, but it is true, nonetheless). But, even though I had fallen behind, there was no way that I'd just bail out of the Challenge without finishing. So, better late than never, and just in time for the wrap-up of the Challenge, here are *S* through *Z*:

A television show that you enjoy that starts with *S*: Secret Diary of a Call Girl :) Billie Piper is AMAZING!!!

Coffee or Tea? TEA!!!!! As I may have mentioned once or twice, I'm really not much of a coffee person. I love the smell, and every once in awhile I will have a flavored iced-coffee, but by and large coffee is not my beverage of choice. However, I am completely enamored with Tea, hot and iced, herbal, green, black, red, chai, you name it, Lynn+Tea = LOVE :)

U is for Unitarian Universalist: (no survey question for this one, since I did something very specific regarding this letter very recently) One of the goals on my 30 by 30 List was to attend a Service at a Unitarian Universalist Church. Just yesterday, I attended a service celebrating Beltane, led by my dear friend and fellow blogger Merlyn, at the Auburn Unitarian Universalist Society in Auburn,  NY. I'm going to do a whole blog about this very soon, but for the moment, let me say it was a wonderful experience and I'm very, very glad I went :)

If you could take a Vacation anywhere in the United States right now, where would you go? Somewhere along the Coast of South Carolina or Georgia (Charleston, Hilton Head Island, Savannah, etc). That region of the South is so breathtakingly beautiful this time of year, Spring is in full bloom, and the hard-core heat hasn't taken hold yet....*wistful sigh*, my kingdom for the fresh but sultry smell of ocean air and springtime blossoms.......

What are you Wearing today? I'm wearing a black v-neck long-sleeved shirt, black jeggings, a lightweight silvery-purple duster-length cardigan, and I had on my silver high-heeled rain boots at work today. (OMG I LOVE THOSE BOOTS!!! There nice enough to wear out to dinner, but they're also waterproof, so I can splash through puddles with them :) I'm also wearing my watch, my engagement ring and my locket :)

Have you ever had X-Rays? Yes, I've had x-rays at the dentist many times. I just recently had a full set of x-rays done when I went for my initial consult at the Chiropractor (which is going very well and I've started to see improvement already:).

Have you ever practiced Yoga? OH YES!!! I belonged to a wonderful Yoga studio when I lived in Brockport, NY, The Beyond Center for Yoga and Pilates. I absolutely adore Yoga. I was so happy when I was practicing yoga, I slept better, I had more energy, fewer headaches, and I felt so much more peaceful. I still practice some yoga at home, but I haven't rejoined a studio since returning to CNY, but that's due to a lack of time and money, not a loss of interest. It's high-up on my list of things to do as soon as I can squeeze it in. If there's anyone reading this in the Central New York Area who can recommend a good yoga program, I am all ears :)

First geographical location you can think of that starts with *Z*: Zagreb, Croatia.

Well, there you have it, Darlings, The A-Z Blogging Challenge for April 2012. Thank you to everyone who stopped by my blog, it may take me while, but I promise to respond to all the comments that new readers and friends have sent me :) Be Well and Happy Blogging!!!

Lynnie :)


  1. you did it! i am jealous of your beltane service and your black leggings. also billie piper! i haven't seen diary of a call girl but i love doctor who. ahh i'm a nerd now you know! :)

  2. Yoga is awesome, and I'd love to be practicing it in Portrush, Northern Ireland while on vacation. I'm impressed that you didn't give up. Congratulations.
